Year One BJJ Seminars by Roy Dean (On Demand)
Roy Dean Academy presents two black belt seminars to deepen your understanding of jiu jitsu.
“The Alaska Seminar” is a birthday celebration, covering several high percentage Kimura sequences.
The Roy Harris Seminar has the 5th degree black belt showing the keys to open guard control.
There’s more, including the most popular purple belt test in history. Go back in time as Roy Dean enters Chris Brennan’s Westside Submission tournament as a fresh purple belt, and see the art in a new light with “What Does Jiu Jitsu Look Like?”
“Roy Dean is a black belt product of the Roy Harris style of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, methodical, meticulous, and masterful. In this flashback DVD, Dean gives you six long peeks into what makes his teaching, training, and fighting method so popular and powerful. There is no shortage of highly detailed instruction that both Dean and his instructor, Roy Harris, provide in a manner that is both easy to comprehend and easy to follow. There are also sections showing Dean and his students applying these techniques both in competition and during belt testing. The DVD even earned praise from the likes of Marcelo Garcia.”
– Black Belt Magazine
*This is a virtual On Demand item, this is not a physical DVD.
**You can watch as many times as you want.