The Way of Sabaki: Secret Teachings of Hideyuki Ashihara Book by Kosei Matsumiya
Introduction, Prologue,
Chapter 1 Secret of the Birth of a Genius, Edajima, Birth, Kagawa, Junior High School, God Hand, Oyama Futatsu, Oyama Dojo, Tokyo, Eve of Departure, Koshin Kogyo, Kenka Tendan, Trials, Muetai, Kenichi Sawai, Disciplinary dismissal, Gokushin Kaikan General Headquarters staff, James Bond, indefinite ban, butter shop, Hideyuki Ashihara, wandering,
Chapter 2 wandering, to Shikoku, Yawatahama, Karenbach, [Interview with Jan Kallenbach], [Akio Fujihira ( Noboru Osawa) Interview], [Interview with Kazuyuki Hasegawa], Sabaki, what is Sabaki, consideration of “turning down”, gypsy karate, over seniors, construction of Yawatahama Dojo, Jordan Kokumuro, completion of Yawatahama Dojo, marriage, Ninomiya Castle Hikari, Jan Jarvis, Noriyoshi Nakamoto, Kazuyuki Hasegawa, Dojo Breaking, [Interview with Katsuyuki Shinohara], “Karate Stupid Ichidai”, Wakatora Dormitory, Hisao Maki, Matsuyama, Police School, [Interview with Toshiyuki Tateda], Matsuyama Era Kenka, Expansion, Namba Dojo, [Interview with Takashi Uchino], The strongest karate on the ground, Branch manager training camp, Takeo Nakayama, Joko Ninomiya,
Chapter 3 Ashihara Kaikan Shikoku, Matsuyama Headquarters Dojo, Truth of the attempted assassination of Ashihara , Inoki VS Willy, [Interview with Harutoshi Tahara], Permanent expulsion, Clock stand, Birth of Ashihara Kaikan, [Interview with Makoto Hirohara], Overseas visit, Crisis of collapse, Hideki Matsumoto, Named “Sabaki”, [Interview with Joko Kagemaru], To isolation, Tokyo headquarters, A baton, Yuhi, postscript, challenge from Hokkaido, [Interview with Atsushi Yamazaki], Quiet fight, Joko Kagemaru, Anjoji,
527Â pages
Language: Japanese