Shugendo: Japanese Mountain Ascetisicm Shaminism DVD by Tomomitsu Hasegawa
Delve into the ancient and systematic stages of body and mind training in Shugendo, a unique Japanese religious practice rooted in the integration of Buddhism and Shinto with mountain asceticism. Led by master Hasegawa Tomomitsu, with over 35 years of experience in Shugendo, this DVD unravels the profound practices aimed at maximizing the inherent human potential and achieving enlightenment through simulated death and rebirth in the natural environment of mountains.
1. Yamabushi Apparel
- Introduction to traditional attire and equipment used by Yamabushi practitioners.
2. Training
- Walking while repenting
- Imagining sandals as eight-leaf lotus flowers
- Hands-on mountain climbing
- Descending the mountain swiftly
- Walking in one-toothed geta
- Body preparation techniques
- Waist setting
- Utilizing a vajra staff
- Armor protection
- Meditation practices
- Breathing techniques
- Traditional religious rites including various rituals and mantras
3. Self-Defense Techniques
- Buddha Sammaya
- Renge Sammaya
- Kongo Sammaya
- Hekiko Goshin
4. Body and Mind Techniques Inspired by Shugendo
- Sharpening reactions
- Efficient body usage techniques
- Flexibility training
- Sword mudras for adjustment
- Body manipulation through bowing
- Symbolic meanings of wearing sandals and repentance
- Harnessing the power of freshness and gratitude
- Cultivating compassion and sacrifice
- Understanding cause and effect
- Entrusting oneself to a greater existence
- Yamabushi Renranpo (continuous walking)
- Breathing techniques incorporating the five elements
Instruction and Supervision: Hasegawa Tomomitsu, a master of the ancient Haguro school of Shugendo, brings decades of expertise and spiritual insight to his teachings. Beyond his role as a practitioner, he serves as a lecturer at prominent universities such as Hitotsubashi University, Yamanashi Gakuin University, and Sophia University, where he shares the profound wisdom and practices of Shugendo.
Languag: Japanese
Length: 106 min.