Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu Karate DVD 1 by Takayoshi Nagamine
From the age of seventeen the karate education of Shoshin Nagamine was supervised by noted Okinawan masters Ankichi Arakaki, Chotoku Kyan, and Choki Motobu. His eventual mastery of the art and creation of the Matsubayashi form of the Shorin Ryu style would place him firmly in their ranks.
This program, made with the support and cooperation of his family, is a technical record of the style he founded, the story of its beginning, and a record of the life of the founder and his achievements.
Contents: The history of Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu and a biography of its founder. Pinan Shodan & its applications. Yasuhiro Makishi – Kusanku kata. Takayoshi Nagamine – Naihanchi kata. Chotoku Omine – Gekisai Dai Ichi kata. Morio Higaonna – Fukyugata Ichi. Shoshin Nagamine – Weapon Techniques Sai Dai Ichi.