Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu Renshinkan Book 2 by Alfonso Torregrossa (Italian)
Jujutsu Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu is the most widespread traditional Japanese martial art, at the origin of Aikido. A splendid and refined discipline, among the most complex, with a repertoire of techniques and teachings among the most complete in the field of martial arts, suitable for everyone to practice. The Matsuda Den Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu Renshinkan carries within itself the splendor of a varied and adaptable martial art from tradition to the present day. This second 190-page book on Matsuda Den Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu Renshinkan was written by the first foreign student, Shihan Torregrossa, who had the privilege of studying for years with Renshinkan School Director Michio Takase Sensei, includes the second part of the black belt program – Shodan Katei – Daito Ryu Jujutsu 18-Kajo enriched by over 100 descriptive technical photographs with history and school programs (Takeda – Matsuda – Maeda – Okuyama – Takase). Presentations by Csen President Prof. Francesco Proietti and Michio Takase Kancho (Japan). Dedicated to martial arts practitioners, ancient Jujutsu enthusiasts, Hakkoryu Jujutsu, Daito Ryu, Japanese culture and anyone who wants to enter the mysterious world of ancient martial arts (koryu).
Language: Italian
190Â pages