Bujutsu o Ikasu Karate Book by Kenji Ushiro (Preowned)
What is the true meaning of making the most of martial arts? Introducing a way of life and mindset that combines martial arts and daily life. This book includes detailed photos of techniques and explanations by Master Kenji Ushiro of Okinawa Koden Karate Shindo-ryu, as well as the absolute requirements for martial arts in terms of developing the body and brain, and unified body exercises developed from traditional forms to promote unity of body and mind. It also follows the instructors in professional and amateur sports, introducing how the fundamental elements of martial arts, such as entering the opponent and reducing or neutralizing the opponent, and the spirit of martial arts that transcends relativity, are utilized. This book conveys how the inherent power of martial arts can be connected to the energy we need to live.
Japanese language.Â
144 pages