2013 World Jiu-Jitsu Expo Superfights (On Demand)
The 2013 World Jiu-Jitsu Expo Superfights available On Demand. Whether you missed the action and want to watch some of the amazing superfights that went on, or just want to relive the experience.
Day 1
Efrain Escudero vs Phillipe Nover
Brown Belt Grand Prix Final – Thiago Sa vs Tim Spriggs
Eduardo Telles vs Joao Miyao
Lucas Leite vs Keenan Cornelius
Rafael Lovato Jr vs Murilo Santana
Nam Phan vs Caio Terra
Day 2
Black Belt Grand Prix Final – James Puopolo vs Ricardo Rezende
Bruno Malfacine vs Jeff Glover
Dean Lister vs Tarsis Humphreys
John Fitch vs Paulo Miyao
Jake Shields vs Leandro Lo